Overwhelm to Empowerment Through Mind Coaching

A Journey of Releasing Limiting Beliefs and Embracing Personal Power


The client was feeling overwhelmed and second-guessed themselves regularly, causing negative impacts on their work and personal life. He felt responsible for everything and everyone and believed that he was his own worst enemy. This resulted in poor physical and emotional well-being, including skipping meals, bad sleep, lack of patience, and feeling overly emotional and weak.


Rebecca worked with the client to focus on what he really wanted in life, teaching communication tools to increase the client's ability to feel comfortable with themselves and be heard. They also worked on releasing limiting beliefs that were holding the client back from functioning how they wanted to.


The client completed the sessions with a newfound sense of power to choose what he really wanted and the ability to articulate it. He managed to let go of limiting beliefs and put trust in the process, leading to an increased sense of relaxation and productivity. The client was able to enjoy the moment and walk with their head held high, leading to more honest, direct, and compassionate conversations with the people around him. The energy of the office in which he worked became more relaxed and equally productive.



Rebecca trained as an Occupational Therapist and worked for 20 years in mental health at the CDHB in NZ and the NHS in the UK. As well as having a Bachelor in Occupational Therapy from Otago University, Rebecca is also trained in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnotherapy. She was also previously a lecturer at the New Zealand School of Hypnotherapy. She is a founding member of Mind Coach Academy.

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